Involving Häfele as a partner in operations
Comprehensive services help simply the entire process
Nagold - 14 March 2022. “Planning lighting projects with Häfele goes hand in hand, as if the consultant were a part of our own team. We can now also create complex lighting solutions quickly and reliably with their planning service”, says master carpenter Jürgen Pfau from Pfungstadt about one of Häfele's new Plus services. With the new Service+ concept, Häfele, an international specialist for hardware and fitting systems, lighting and electronic locking systems, is offering its customers a way to save time and considerably simplify their entire work processes.
Häfele provides support in the form of training and special property consulting even before specific projects are started. This guarantees carefree processing, especially when using new and rapidly changing technologies such as lighting control. Once the initial idea for a project is in place, Häfele provides support with the customer’s processes right up to installation. For example, the partner does the complete lighting and acoustic planning or supplies customised pre-mounted products. The idea behind it: Scheduling Häfele experts like additional employees, thus making more resources available. Häfele now also does maintenance during and after commissioning with an after-sales service for lighting, networking and electronic locking systems and is a reliable and competent partner for these processes.
Four application scenarios for Plus services
Four questions from practice illustrate the added value of the Plus services, which can be booked individually.
1. How can I easily acquire knowledge so that I can use it immediately in the company? ["Service+ Knowledge"]
By imparting practical know-how, Häfele gets its customers ready for new technologies or developments in the industry. For example, the Häfele Academy runs training courses on a wide range of relevant topics, such as lighting seminars for craftsmen.
How a surface is perceived largely depends on the type of lighting. In the Häfele “Light Lab”, craftsmen, architects and planners can see how materials can be optimally staged with the right light.
2. Planning takes a lot of time, and afterwards the customer doesn’t seem enthusiastic about it? ["Service+ Planning"]
Professional support with planning & consultation assistance facilitates project planning. Häfele also offers support in the next step on request. Sales visualisation tools, for example, help carpenters impress customers in real time with realistic photos of possible furniture set-ups.
Planning and visualising furniture, designing individualised rooms, staging lighting situations – the YES software makes all this possible with intuitive operation. This gives carpenters the option of presenting a room situation to their customers in real time with realistic photos.
3. How can installation times be reduced and material stock optimised? ["Service+ Customised"]
Thanks to individualised, customised solutions, craftsmen can save work steps and thus valuable time. For example, the use of individually manufactured complete drawers, lacquered fronts or LED light strips allows carpenters to make more accurate plans and to use the resources that are freed up in other areas.
Individualised installation planning for Loox lighting systems ensures smooth, error-free processes. There is also no need to keep spare parts and unnecessary products in stock, as all required products are delivered together with the installation plan.
4. Offering solutions outside my core competence is costly and risky, isn't it? ["Service+ Assist"]
Planning advice on lighting and acoustics from Häfele professionals ensures smooth and error-free processes. Installation and maintenance services for electronic locking systems also provide security by supporting or protecting customer processes, whether digitally or on site.
On-demand support around the clock is provided by the Dialock experts and technicians. They do preventive on-site maintenance and ensure smooth operation of electronic locking systems. This means Häfele customers can concentrate fully on their day-to-day business once their locking system has been commissioned.
Services on tour in Germany
“Our customers have always valued us not only as specialists for fittings, locking systems or lighting, but also as a reliable partner who actively supports them in many different areas”, explains Gregor Riekena, Managing Director at Häfele. “We look forward to personally introducing our partners to the possibilities of these new services and even closer collaboration on our Häfele Tour 2022”.
Häfele is following up on the successful roadshow that took place in 2021. This year, however, the mobile trade fair comes with a much larger exhibition space and is accompanied by strong partner brands. It will give customers throughout Germany the chance to experience the range of hardware technology, locking systems and lighting, including all standard and the new Plus services, right close to home.
Press contact
Sarah Grünler
Phone: +49 7452 95-510
E-Mail: sarah.gruenler@haefele.de
More information at
Häfele SE & Co KG, Postfach 1237,
D-72192 Nagold, Phone: +49 7452 950,
Fax: +49 7452 95-200,
E-Mail: info@haefele.de