Home About Häfele Management Management policy
Management policy at Häfele
Häfele is committed to high quality standards, customer focus and the protection of the environment and employees. These issues are part of the established management policy and are applicable to the entire company. Our management policy also defines our objectives with regard to the services we provide, and the expectations placed in us by external and internal stakeholders. In this way, we strive for continuous improvement in all areas of the company. Compliance with laws and regulations is the bedrock of our actions.
We are a multicultural family business with common roots that run deep. We acknowledge achievement and value the assumption of responsibility. We gear our endeavours to market needs and offer added value with the Häfele brand, making us a valuable partner for our customers. Our employees are loyal to the company. We speak to the outside world with a single voice. We train and upskill our employees on a regular basis in order to meet future challenges and legal requirements. Occupational health and safety is a top priority.
Customer focus is the most important guiding principle at Häfele. We focus our efforts on recognising and serving the needs of our customers, their customers and their intermediaries. This is the only way to ensure a sustainable, harmonious business relationship with our commercial partners. We simplify the entire process chain for our customers. We inspire our customers with appealing services and ensure their long-term success.
To achieve our business objectives, safeguard the interests of all stakeholders and comply with legal requirements, it is essential for Häfele to adequately identify, assess, analyse and respond to business risks and threats. Häfele’s security management system outlines our approach to dealing with significant risks, security vulnerabilities and threats, i.e. the possibility of events occurring that have a negative impact on the achievement of our objectives. Security management is a primary task of management. The identification and assessment of risks and threats is the responsibility of the relevant management level. The integrated quality management system with internal guidelines and supplementary procedural instructions are incorporated into the security management process. As an element of integrated management, security management is also committed to continuous improvement and is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 28000.
Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 in 2000 is also proof of Häfele’s resource-protecting and environmentally aware behaviour. We look for economic and ecologic harmony. We identify and assess potential harmful environmental impacts and respond to them. Actively practising environmental protection not only reduces waste and prevents unnecessary pollution, but also leads to economic and ecological benefits for our customers and the environment through energy efficiency and material savings. This is why environmental protection is a major consideration in our own conduct. You can also find out more about this in the section on quality and environmental management at Häfele.
We act according to the principle of ‘prevention before reduction before compensation’. We strive for continuous improvement by regularly updating and analysing our greenhouse gas balance and deriving and implementing appropriate measures to reduce our emissions. By making consciously climate-friendly and energy-efficient purchases, we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and improve sustainability at the same time. We are also able to achieve a reduction in emissions by using regional products and climate-friendly alternative products wherever possible and economically justifiable.
We use an established management system to achieve our high “German Quality” standards. The company was certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 back in 1995. Various tools are used to practise and document the requirements for implementing the management system. For us, quality not only involves meeting customer requirements, but also fulfilling customers’ unspoken wishes.
Both the qualitative and ecological aspects of our services are verified by internal audits at fixed intervals. The effectiveness of the requirements arising from standards, policies and objectives is evaluated and documented by means of regular reporting to the management.
The Head of Quality and Environmental Management is responsible for planning, monitoring and correcting the integrated management system as part of their job description. They are authorised and have the organisational freedom to identify problems, propose measures and monitor their implementation. The management team makes trained personnel and resources available to an appropriate degree. You can also find out more about this in the section on quality and environmental management at Häfele.
Häfele philosophy
Our aim is to develop liveable and sustainable spatial concepts for the living and working environments of tomorrow. We are fully committed to this. Working closely with our partners, we focus on resource-saving and multifunctional solutions that offer maximum convenience.