Lead, For Häfele Loox5 Led Strip Light 12 V 8 Mm 2-Pin (Monochrome Or Multi-White 2-Wire Technology)

5 A, 18 AWG, clip width 10 mm

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Lead, For Häfele Loox5 Led Strip Light 12 V 8 Mm 2-Pin (Monochrome Or Multi-White 2-Wire Technology)

5 A, 18 AWG, clip width 10 mm

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83393736 product photo
83395700 product photo
83395701 product photo
Product details

Colour system

monochrome or MW 2-wire technology

Input ports

1 x plug, Loox5 2-pin 12 V

Output ports

1 x Clip, Loox5 LED strip light 8 mm monochrome

Nominal voltage

12,00 V

Clip width

10,00 mm

Current carrying capacity

5,00 A

Wire cross section AWG



For Loox5 LED strip light, 2-pin 8 mm

Product Material


Number of leads


Plug drill hole Ø

8,00 mm

Supplied with

1 lead plug/clip

Häfele SE & Co KG, Adolf-Häfele-Str. 1, 72202 Nagold, Deutschland
Tel: +49 (0) 74 52 / 95 - 0, Fax: +49 (0) 74 52 / 95 - 2 00, E-Mail: info@hafele.com.de