Frequently asked questions

Here you will find a compilation of information on particularly frequently asked questions (FAQs) and frequently occurring problems sorted by topic.


Please select your topic:

FAQ - My account

Online account with existing customer number

If you are already registered as a Häfele customer but still need an account for the online store, please complete this registration form. Please also enter your Häfele customer number. We will then send you your login information.

As a registered customer, you can view our prices and place orders online.

Create and manage co-users

Once you have logged in, you can create additional users (co-users) for your account. These co-users also have the option of logging in via your account. You can also restrict their authorizations. You can create co-users via the main account, change their settings and delete them again. 

Co-user administration info sheet


View prices & availability

If you have a Häfele online account, you can view prices and product availability and place orders conveniently online.

The product prices and availability are displayed both on the product detail pages and in the shopping cart.

See also Change price view.

Angebote verwalten und beauftragen
Download documents

Download invoice as PDF
Under “My account > Invoices” you have access to all invoices for your orders. To view or download an invoice, click on the invoice number.

Download delivery bill as PDF
Under “Orders > Delivery bills” you can access all delivery bills for your orders. To view or download a delivery bill, select the relevant delivery bill from the overview. Within the delivery bill, you will find the delivery note number highlighted in red at the top on the right-hand side. Click on it to open the delivery bill, which you can now save or download as a PDF file.

Download order confirmation as PDF
Under “Orders” you have access to all order confirmations for your orders. To view or download an order confirmation, select the corresponding order from the order overview. Within the order, you will find an order number highlighted in red in the upper area on the left-hand side. Click on it to open your order confirmation, which you can now save or download as a PDF file.

FAQ - Order

Add item to shopping cart

If you already know the article number, you can use the direct entry function to add the desired article quickly and directly to the shopping cart - without having to open the product selection page. You will find the button at the top of the navigation menu next to the search function.

Simply enter the article number, the quantity and the commission. Click “Add to shopping cart” to add the items to the shopping cart.

Alternatively, you can use the search function in the online store or the flip page catalogs to add items to the shopping cart as usual.
There is also an upload function

Your shopping cart is saved for 90 days and you can call up the last status at any time on the shopping cart page. To save the shopping cart permanently, you can save the items as a notepad. For future orders, you can refer back to the respective wish list, add the items to your shopping cart again and order quickly.

You also have the option of using the scan function on your smartphone.

You can also send a compiled shopping cart as a quote request.

Query the status of the order

You can view the status of your order(s) under “My account” > “Orders”.

The table displayed shows you the status details. You can also search for the different statuses in the filter selection shown above and narrow down the search directly by selecting “All orders” or “Open order items”.

Meaning of order status

The order status provides a detailed insight into the status of your order. Use the filter option on the “Orders” page to search for specific orders according to their status.

In process
Your order has been received and is being processed.

Shipping preparation / shipping open
Your order is passing through the Häfele dispatch center and is being prepared for dispatch or collection. From this point on, no more changes to your order are possible.

Your order has been processed and handed over to the respective carrier. Use the parcel tracking function to find out the current location of your parcel and the estimated delivery time.

You can still change your existing order until it is processed further by us. Get in touch with your Häfele contact person if you have any further questions.

On call
You have ordered your order on call. To start processing your order, change the shipping method under “Orders” and save the change. We will then process your order further.

Search orders

Under “Orders”, the online store provides you with an overview of your current and past orders. You can also change the display to show only the open order items. Use the filter and search options for convenient tracking.

  • Select a time period.
  • Select an order status.
  • Enter in the search field which commission, personal order reference or article number you would like to search for in your orders.

The matching orders are then displayed and you can view order information retrospectively and also reorder entire orders or items.

Create & upload order file
Abandoned shopping cart

Your abandoned shopping cart remains saved for 90 days and you can call up the last status at any time on the shopping cart page. To save the shopping cart permanently, you can save the items as a notepad. For future orders, you can refer back to the respective notepad, add the items to your shopping cart again and order quickly.

Change order at a later date

Please ask your Häfele contact person about the options as soon as possible. As long as the status “Created” is displayed, a change is still possible. If this status is no longer displayed, your order is already being processed.

Overview of frequently ordered items

You can find an overview of your most frequently ordered items in your user account under “Orders” > “Favorites”. The ranking is sorted downwards according to the items (max. 100) that were listed most frequently in your orders in the last 6 months.

Shipping options
Consignment information
Complaining about a faulty item
Meaning of complaint status

The complaint status provides a detailed insight into the status of your complaint.

In process
Your complaint has been received and is ready for processing.

To be checked or Checked
Your complaint is being processed. If you have any questions about your complaint, we will contact you so that we can complete your request as quickly as possible.

Notification completed
After a successful check, we will inform you of the next steps. You will also receive the return slip if we ask you to return goods.

In some cases, goods cannot be taken back. For example, in the case of goods that have been specially manufactured for you, your complaint request may be rejected. We make every effort to avoid these cases and will be happy to explain the reasons to you in a direct dialog.


Online complaints information sheet

FAQ - Products

Change price view

Under “Settings-> My profile” you can specify the desired price display to be shown in the store and in the shopping cart.
You can choose between the following settings:

  • No price
  • Net price
  • Retail price
  • UVPE

You can set a “mark-up in % on the net price” for the sales price. This setting allows you to use our online store together with your customer, whereby your desired sales price is displayed next to the availability.

You can also change the price display on the respective product detail page. After logging out and the next time you log in to your profile, the settings that were saved in your profile will be saved again.

Recognize differences between products
Narrow down search results

Intelligent filters allow individual access to the right product according to your requirements. 

First navigate to the desired product category. On the corresponding page, narrow down your search further using the filter entries on the left-hand side of the page. The filter entries vary depending on the selected product category and are adapted to the respective product area. The search filter updates the results automatically after you have selected your characteristics. You can refine your search by combining several criteria.

Suchfilter aufheben

Einen ausgewählten Filter können Sie mit Hilfe der Schaltfläche „Aufheben" deaktivieren. Sind mehrere Filterkriterien ausgewählt und möchten Sie diese alle abwählen, dann können Sie hierzu die Schaltfläche „Alle aufheben" verwenden.

Artikel vorübergehend nicht verfügbar

Ist ein Produkt aktuell gar nicht oder nicht in der gewünschten Menge lieferbar, wird Ihnen dies auf der Produktdetailseite und im Warenkorb angezeigt.

Anzeige auf der Produktdetailseite:
Unterhalb der Mengenangabe sehen Sie nun einen Hinweistext zur Verfügbarkeit. Ebenfalls werden die restlichen Lagermengen, inkl. Packungseinheit und dem geschätzten Termin der erneuten Verfügbarkeit angezeigt. Wünschen Sie eine Teillieferung sofort verfügbarer Artikel, so können Sie diese im Bestellabschluss auswählen.

Anzeige im Warenkorb:
Unterhalb des Wunschlieferdatums sehen Sie den Hinweistext zur Verfügbarkeit. Ebenfalls werden die restlichen Lagermengen, inkl. Packungseinheit und dem geschätzten Termin der erneuten Verfügbarkeit angezeigt.
Gerne können Sie Ihre Wünsche/Anregungen im Textfeld an Häfele übermitteln. Klicken Sie hierzu auf den Auswahltext „Info an Häfele".

Artikel nicht mehr lieferbar

Erhalten Sie nach der Artikelauswahl auf der Produktdetailseite den Hinweis, dass dieser nicht mehr lieferbar ist, haben wir diesen aus dem Sortiment genommen.

Ist ein Nachfolgeartikel hinterlegt, können sie diesen direkt in den Warenkorb legen. Klicken Sie hierzu auf den Button „Nachfolgeartikel in den Warenkorb".

Ist kein Nachfolgeartikel hinterlegt, können Sie gerne Ihren Häfele Ansprechpartner kontaktieren.

Online Broschüren & Kataloge

Alle Häfele Kataloge und Broschüren lassen sich jederzeit online in der aktuellsten Version durchblättern. Die Übersicht der verfügbaren Blätterkataloge finden Sie unter "Service" > "Kataloge & Broschüren".

Mit einem Klick auf das Katalog-Element am oberen Bildrand können Sie immer direkt auf die wichtigsten Kataloge und Broschüren zugreifen.

Außerdem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, viele Kataloge und Broschüren über die Häfele – App auf Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet runterzuladen, um diese jederzeit offline zu verwenden.

Artikeldaten anfordern
CAD Daten

FAQ - Sonstiges

LUCID Registrierungsnummer

Die LUCID-Registrierungsnummer bei Häfele lautet DE5659981271045.

Ressourcenschonendes und umweltbewusstes Verhalten ist bei Häfele ein wichtiger und integraler Baustein der Unternehmensphilosophie. Durch kontinuierliche Verbesserung wird der nachhaltige Umgang mit der Umwelt ständig erhöht. Erfahren sie mehr über das Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagement bei Häfele unter „Über Häfele“.

Rücknahme von Transportverpackungen

Wir die Firma Häfele Deutschland weisen darauf hin, dass sämtliche gebrauchte und restentleerte Transportverpackungen i.S.d. § 15 Abs. 1 VerpackG der gleichen Art, Form und Größe wie die von uns verwendeten Verpackungen am Ort der Übergabe oder in dessen unmittelbarer Nähe unentgeltlich zurückgegeben werden können.

Wir stellen in der Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Entsorgungsdienstleister sicher, dass die zurückgegebenen Transportverpackungen durch unsere Kunden im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit sowie den rechtlichen Vorgaben zum Recycling ordnungsgemäß verwertet werden.

Hier finden Sie den Erhebungsbogen für gebrauchte Transportverpackungen unseres Entsorgungsdienstleisters: Erhebungsbogen Reclay Systems

Bitte beachten Sie die Rücknahmekriterien unseres Entsorgungsdienstleisters, welche im Erhebungsbogen von Reclay Systems genauer beschrieben sind. Kosten, die durch die Nichteinhaltung dieser Kriterien entstehen können, werden von Häfele nicht getragen.



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